Monday, November 12, 2007


As you are working on your writing, what are you noticing about yourself as a writer? Is there that inner critic sitting on your shoulder, questioning every word and phrase? If so then tell it to take a hike! Trust yourself and have some fun with this! Remember, if you are stuck then look to a mentor text to help guide you along.
We are doing this to become better teachers of writing. Our purpose here is to look at ourselves as writers, think about the process and what it is like. Through this we will become better writing teachers because we more clearly understand the process of writing. So, as the writer you are today, what are you noticing?


Jenn said...

Well, I've noticed that I've started to think of myself as a writer more. Silly things catch my attention and I see them through a writer's lense. There was this funny story I was telling my husband about something that happened at school. He keeps telling me to write a book so we both can retire early! :) But this time, when he said it, I thought that perhaps I could write a poem or short story about that silly moment.

I also find that I think about words and phrases more often. I might think, "wow, that's a really cool word. You don't hear it much." or "Those words sound very melodic together." It's part of my personal life now, not just my teacher's life. I still love mentor texts, I think of my self as a baby poet. Still needing the baby food to help me on my way. But I am using books to help my kids out who are stuck. They keep their book boxes near them at writing. And I'm always grabbing a poem or poem book to help when conferencing with a student.

I always thought it would take a lot of time to actually BE a writer. I find now its more a way of thinking and noticing things around me.

Debi said...

It is different to really stop and think of myself as a writer. But, like I tell my students, we are all writers- some of us just haven't pushed that button yet but- oh! once it is pushed- watch out! I really enjoyed reflecting on all the poems I wrote and even though I knew they were down the cellar-it was good to have a reason to stop and read them. I have changed as a writer. My rose colored glasses have grayed a little around the edges but I also notice sparks that were not visible before. No, I am not talking about the fact that I need reading glasses most of the time now! I can relate to Jenn about writing a book about all the things that go on at school. When my first daughter was born- the running joke was all the things that I was learning about in the instinctive "mommy manual " that was in my head. I started jotting down things and I even named chapters. Who knows? I did create a new word the other night Jenn. You might like it. My daughter's friend was able to sleep over and I said "yippe scoo!" I have no idea where it came from but we have been saying it a lot around my house! I find myself looking and talking about words and why authors choose the words they do all the time now.

B.J. Martin said...

As I write, I continue to see myself as one of my students. I just can’t let myself go. I stop and stumble over words. What’s more, simple or complex? At times, my thoughts move so fast I don’t have time to get them down on paper before they are lost in another thought…none of which are complete. Am I thinking like a writer? Is it this hard? Am I making it harder than it is? Am I making up for all the time I didn’t put much thought into my writing? I have more questions than answers. I need to talk to others about my direction and which path to take the one weathered or the one less traveled. Any Words of Wisdom Out There?

Ronnie said...

I am having a difficult time getting myself in a place to put my words down on paper. I have been trying to read as a writing, think like a writer and than avoid like a procrastinator. It seems that several other things (progress reports, conferences, lesson plans, committee work, family matters and sometimes sleep) are always demanding of my time. However, I can say that as a writer of today, I dared to share my I am poem (draft) that I wrote in our last class. I read it to my sister and her family as it was her house I was writing about. I was surprised at how my words, the words I put together, cause an emotional reaction. She was very touched. It was empowering. Her response makes me want to polish the draft into a more finalized piece.

Chaffee said...

While I sit and write I definitely notice that little voice in my head who's checking for correct rhythm- Does that sound right? What other word could I use there instead? I, like BJ, find that once the ideas start rolling, they keep on rolling and I have a hard time writing it all down before it's lost. That's one reason why I like typing a lot more than I like actual writing. But for some reason I don't feel as connected to my writing that is typed on the computer. Handwritten seems so much more personal when it's in the works.

I do find myself thinking that I want my writing to be perfect. I need to feel that there is nothing else I could add or manipulate to make it better- but I'm not sure I'll ever get to that point. In wanting it to be perfect, I want my reader to have the same reaction reading it, that I have while I'm writing it- a little laughter and lots of smiles.

I find myself crossing things out, circling them and drawing arrows to move them to a spot where they might sound better. I'm at a point where I need to go back to the mentor poem we got in class to help me move along. I'm definitely not at the point where I'm noticing things I could write about throughout the day, but I do feel like I'm on the "write" path. *** Sorry, I had to throw that in there!

Michelle said...

I'm beginning to feel a little left out. I don't feel as though the "writing bug" has bitten me yet. I am well aware of the fact that I have a little over two weeks to publish a piece of writing and have yet to do more than jot down notes on the back cover of a Lightning McQueen notebook. I keep trying to find a way to tie this writing to my kids (which I figure to be my best source of inspiration and also my biggest distraction). I think I am much more comfortable teaching writing than actually writing. Or maybe I just haven't gotten to the comfort zone where I want to sit down and write. I have enjoyed writing in class and was somewhat excited with the results of my I am from... poem. However, I have not looked at it since that day. I am sure I will find a way to pull it altogether, but I must admit I am starting to sweat a little.

Tomasen said...

As I read all of your comments I am interested in how different this process is and has been so far for everyone.
One thing to keep in mind is that part of the writing process is also the thinking. I find that there are times when I cannot sit and write, but I am working things through in my head and when I do sit down to write, there is so much more than I realize because of the writing I have been doing in my head!!

gina said...

I'm noticing the lyrics to the music I love more and more. I never necessarily thought of rock stars as poets. However the more I think like a writer, the more I notice the beauty in the way the lyrics are arranged. It's amazing how certain verses or the hook can capture a moment, an emotion, or a memory from long ago. What tremendous skill! This must be why I remember lyrics to songs I haven't heard in decades and can't remember a single historical date. I should have set them to music before finals!
I think this act of "noticing" had become so important for my students. It's also been freeing to use mentor texts as a guide for our writing. I say "our" because mentor texts have allowed me the freedom to take a stab at poetry and feel comforatble sharing it with my students. They also allow my students to focus on salient features in the poems we've been reading and apply those elements to their own writing.

Donna said...

What have I been noticing? I am much better at teaching writing to happy,excited first graders than I am at being a writer myself. I still don't enjoy writing but I will admit that I have started to have words or phrases just pop into my head. Once in awhile I even stop and write them down especially if the inspiration comes when I'm not driving or playing with really cute grandchildren. My final project is going to be an I'm From poem because it has given me a comfortable frame work to begin with. Getting a piece of writing going for me is easier if you get me jump started!This is NOT a problem for my class as they are now writing during free time and have also started to take their writng notebooks home. It is so much fun to observe,listen and watch their enthusiasm spread fom one student to another.

I know how important it is to model for my class and it really helps me when I listen all of you. It gives me ideas to use with my class and in my own writing as well.