Monday, March 24, 2008

Your Writing

Where are you in your process of writing? Remember we will be having a final reading at our last class again. Look back at some of the quick writes we have done together. What, if any, might have some energy for you to write about? What about our speed conferencing? Did you leave with any ideas or inspiration? What do you envision for this piece of writing? Take a few minutes to do a quick write on what is you are thinking about this writing. Let your mind and the possibilities just flow!


B.J. Martin said...

Yuck!!! I just don’t know what I am going to write about. I don’t love any of my quick writes so I do know that I will be starting from scratch, but which direction I still am not sure. I have been actually brainstorming with my students and I am thinking along the lines of a comic strip. I had a few students bring me some model texts to look at to assist me, but it still is not there for me yet. I also thought about writing a persuasive essay about the new garbage collection in Hudson…garbage everywhere as a result of the new trucks and lazy drivers who I watch dump my recycled items into a bin and when they fall on the ground they are left for roadside trash. I figured I could kill two birds with one stone if I went this route. I could submit my complaint and complete a class assignment at the same time…but I am sure it would be that interesting for the rest of you. Any suggestions???

Jenn said...

Ah, this one is easier! I had this inspiration (this time in the shower and not while driving....slightly safer) a while ago and jotted it done instead of eating breakfast. That is saying a lot!

I have this story idea that originally came from a memory in high school. I'm trying to decide if I should make it a collection of memories around a topic....each memory giving a new view of the topic; or to go really in-depth with this one piece. Notice I'm being really vague....they are happy and sad memories and I feel a little reluctant to share them in their unpolished form. :)

I hand wrote it and it was many pages. But now I feel like I might need to type it into the computer so its easier to revise. Though I loved the handwritten look in poetry, its not practical for a narrative piece. I can't move things around or insert sentences fast enough.

For now, it sits in my brain and I "ponder" it from time to time. I'm revising with imaginary ink. Too bad I can't print it out that way.

Ronnie said...

I was not sure what the topic of my final piece would be. I had several ideas. But they were just ideas. I hadn’t taken the time to develop any one thing yet. None of the ideas were calling “pick me, pick me”. Then the light bulb moment came. During a recent gathering, (thirst quenching beverages may have been involved) I was telling a story from my past. I have told the story before, but this time the writer in me spoke. “Ahha – you could write about this.” So I whipped out my writer’s notebook, as I carry it wherever I am and I wrote the story. Okay, the truth is … a few days later I wrote three words Audrey’s Grandmother’s Funeral in my journal. After talking with my personal peer mentors (Thank you Gina and Kim), I have decided to attempt to turn this idea into a final piece.

Michelle said...

My final piece...I am a perfectionist who is having an extremely hard time coming up with an idea. I must say that I am scouring books looking for a mentor text. I pull each story for story time with my children, just wondering if this is going to be the text that gives me my inspiration. Nothing yet.

I was so excited about my poem last time because it had a finished product. I knew what I wanted to do. I can't see an end in sight and so I'm discouraged. I then shift my thoughts to the subject. If I could just get a subject that I would like to write about, I feel like I might be home free. Only nothing is coming. I try and think of funny stories, I know I have them, but my mind goes blank.

I feel as though I am truly one of those students who completely exasperates you as day after day, they say I don't know what to write about.

I'm sure that I will get an idea at some point, but if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them!

Chaffee said...

At this point I know which quick write I want to turn into my final piece and I felt so into it when I started. Lately, I haven't gone back to it to finish it and polish it up. I need to get the motivation to go back- I need to get to a place where I feel the need to go back and finish. To be honest, with confernces and everything else, it's been hard to think about finishing my piece. But I will say that my meeting with my wonderful peer editors (thanks Ronnie and Gina!), really helped me with the most important aspect of the story- the end! I am excited to finish up the story - I think I'm just feeling a bit nervous because the story sounds great in my head, but once I start putting words on the page it may not.

debi said...


debi said...

hi just when i think i have an idea for my final piece of writing-i change my mind! I guess some people think it might be harder not to have any idea and I can relate to that-however, I am at a 3way street and I dont know which way to go! I honestly have written bits in my journal for all 3. Then I think- ok I'll do 3 and just go eeny meeny that night! Oh no! I have to decide. I have been focused on conferences too so I do my thinking at night when I should be sleeping! I wish I could just go to my querencia and write and think!

Lannan said...

I had no idea what I was going to write about until I spoke with Debi and Donna at the last writing class. During the conference I talked about how house building was so much more than I expected, but I didn't see how I could possibly put this into writing that people might actually want to hear. Donna and Debi helped me to see how I can make it into a creative piece. Since then I have been writing down ideas in my writing notebook that I can add in!I am hoping that when I begin to put the ideas into some sort of story it will all work out! I am hoping that it will bring some laughs to the not-so-fun process of building/painting my house.

gina said...

It was helpful to sit and talk with Kim and Ronnie the other day in class because it made me realize that my final piece was already waiting for me in my notebook. I reread my sock saga at Ronnie's request and was so happy to see both Ronnie and Kim laughing. Laughter is so important to me and I was thrilled that my piece made them giggle. The toughest part is going back to the "quick write" and making it a not-so-quick write. I have a tendency to say, "There... that's done!" After talking with them about my anit-sock stance, they had some wonderful suggestions for how to expand my writing. I left feeling very excited that I had my idea and knew how I was going to develop it further. Thanks gals!