Monday, April 14, 2008

Syllabus Spring 2008

Golden Brook Syllabus
Spring 2008
Learning Through Teaching
Tomasen M. Carey, UNH English Department
“Nulla Dies Sine Linea”

“It is hard to imagine tools more useful than words. Without them, talkers, philosophers, actors and writers, would simply be out of business.”
~Karla Kuskin

Class Dates and Required Assigned Reading for the next class:
Class Text: Wondrous Words by Katie Wood Ray
Jan 24th Read 2 articles on Writing with Young Children
Feb 14th Read Chapters 9 and 10March 13th Read Chapters 11 and 12March 27th Read Chapter 13 and 14
April 24th Read Chapter 15 and Skim through entire text…what do you want to remember? What did you highlight or mark?May 8th Final Reading of Writing Pieces

Course Requirements: These requirements will be evaluated to determine final grades.
Regular Attendance and participation at group meetings, having all of the assigned reading completed and ready to discuss it in detail. (20%)
Weekly blog entries. (30%)
One visitation in your school of a colleague. I will ask that you post your observation on our blog. There will be a special section on the blog specifically for visitations. (10%)
Start a Writer’s Notebook as a place for you to play, experiment and reflect on the practices of your own writing and the writing of your students. This will show them through very real modeling how you as a teacher are a writer. It might also be helpful for you to look back on as you write your weekly blogs! (10%)
One visitation out of the school in an area of interest (optional but highly recommended!) Perhaps we could make some connections to Center School.
Final writing to be shared on the last day of class. This will be a personal piece that you will work on throughout the semester. We will work on it in class in a workshop atmosphere and go through the process of writing so that we can think about what it is for us and what that means for our students. We will continue to write, confer, share and talk about our writing during class. (30%)

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